Can A Co-owner Register A Vehicle
How to Register a Vehicle if Co-Owners Live in Dissimilar States
My question involves vehicle registration or title in the land of: WA and ORI live in Oregon. I need a auto and tin't afford one. A family fellow member says I can infringe their second car long-term. Whew!
This auto will somewhen be for the family member'south kid to learn to bulldoze on, just Kid doesn't want to correct now. (What?? Kids these days!) Anyhow - great! Family member lives in WA though, and has the car plain registered and insured and titled in WA.
Since I was going to be the master driver of the borrowed car for now, I got an insurance quote for myself for this vehicle. And then much is different betwixt OR and WA that it costs about the same to take total coverage with low deductibles in OR equally it does for the current owner to insure it liability-only in WA. Whoa! Really?? Well why don't I insure it and add the family fellow member as a second driver rather than the other way around?
The insurance agent tin can't write a policy unless I'm on the title. Fine, that's a $30-ish fee, family unit doesn't mind, so NBD.
Since the car is primarily going to be driven in Oregon but the plates and title will remain Washington, I'm not certain I'g covering all the bases. I'm going to take the car for a while - maybe a year. By the time I'thou on my feet and can afford to give the auto dorsum and buy my own, mayhap Kid will be interested in driving. Taking the family fellow member'southward proper noun off the title presents a problem because if they then have to purchase it back later, they'd have to pay sales tax on information technology Again, and it's only not that valuable of a car. Paying sales tax on it twice is probably more the car is worth. (They had to pay sales taxation in one case already to accept the auto equally a souvenir from another Oregon family member.) Hey, our family unit isn't rich, but we're generous with stuff when someone is down.
I don't know of any constabulary that prevents co-owners on a title living in dissimilar states only I'm unclear how to handle the title and registration paperwork. Am I supposed to register the car in Oregon in addition to it being titled and registered in WA? Is that even possible? Or is the fact that this family unit member is loaning me the car, I'm driving it with permission, it's registered in 1 of the titled owner's states, and I have insurance on it plenty to cover our collective hindquarters?
Always before when I've been driving someone else'south auto, I had insurance of my own on my ain vehicle, and it was more temporary - so I'm non sure how it is supposed to work when I'chiliad the main driver of a auto I share with someone from another state with its ain rules.
Thanks for whatsoever help. It's an unusual situation for certain. But, thank the stars for family when you're in need, eh?
Re: Vehicle Co-Owners Live in Different States
A car tin can't be titled and registered in two unlike states.If it was me in this situation, I'd let the family member retain the WA registration in their name while you take the car.
Can A Co-owner Register A Vehicle,
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